Thursday, August 12, 2004

From Kazakhstan with love...

Just got back from KLIA. MIG Records called me up and insists that I welcome their 'golden star', Waheeda, back from the Voice Of Asia Festival 2004. I was curious about their insistence and when Waheeda greeted me (with eye bags and long-haul-flight-oily-skin and all), I found out why.

Waheeda had won third prize in the annual music festival and according to MIG Records executives and Waheeda herself, my song, Binafsha, was one of the main reasons. Waheeda then proceeded to tell me that after her performance, Alan Roy Scott (who has produced such stars as Celine Dion, Notorious B.I.G., Gloria Estefan, Sheena Easton, Ray Charles, among others) commended her on her music (YES!!!) and performance. I guess most of you in Malaysia will be reading about it in the papers/magazines (watch out for Media Hiburan in particular!) really soon. Anyway, thank you, Waheeda, and welcome home!

Trabye's take: It's a pity I'm in Malaysia. I might have gotten a break internationally... (who am I kidding?) : )

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Sgt. Pepper's Last Band (?)

After seeing Kudo's 1st August posting, I just can't help myself to 'bastardize' the photo! Some alterations... (1) changed the color of the sky to match the original photo and (2) added some... er... 'friends'. *heh heh*

Trabye's take: By the way, that's me with George Harrison's body!

Jam with Dr. K?

This SMS greeted me this morning. It's been a while since I last spoken to anyone in Dr. Kronik. Apparently, Chi (the vocalist) says the original lineup is back minus the guitarist (as usual). Since their contract with KRU has expired (good for them!), they are raring to get together to write new material. And an invitation was extended...

It's been three years since I was in a professional band. I played for Dr. Kronik once, toured with Candy for about a year around the mid-Peninsular funfair circuit and of course the brief stint with Metalasia. Will be getting together with the boys this weekend. Let's see what happens.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


I was going through my comments archive and found this reply I gave to Sobox on one of his visits here. This might be useful to some people. His questions were about the differences between pop & quality songs and the CD price issue.

Fav music is more of personal preference whereas pop is the term the industry uses to describe the songs "played on radio" or radio-friendly tunes. Normally pop songs don't have the 'lasting impression' that I was talking about, hence, this is where 'quality' music comes in.

Quality music, IMHO, can be in any genre as long as it makes a positive impact... when music nurses a broken heart (ash, you reading this?) or lights that bulb in you brain or even 'soothes the wild beast', you know that's QUALITY music.

"Menghitung Hari" is one example, Dianne Warren and David Foster songs, even Metallica (Fade To Black) have made numerous and positive impressions on a lot of people out there. Some Siti Nurhaliza's songs have the same effect as well.
Trabye | 06.24.04 - 3:45 pm |

-- cont' --

To give a lasting impression, a song needs the 'holy trinity of music':
1. a naturally flowing melody
2. lyrics with profound words AND storyline (situational songs are better compared to "Ku cintaimu, ku rinduimu" songs!)
3. a singer who can actually SING!

The last time I heard about the CD price issue was went I 'lepak'ed with Mokhtaza Ahmad, GM of NAR Records. He said that the record labels are not too happy because the new price narrows their margin and forces them to absorb more cost. This is still being resolved by the Ministry and the Industry players to this day. As far as I am concerned, our market is 80% cassette driven so the price of cassettes should be the main issue, not CDs.

Thanks, Sobox for the intelligent questions. Drop by again and feel free to ask more questions, people! Also leave me your thoughts so I can pick on them! Cheers.
Trabye | 06.24.04 - 3:46 pm |

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

All hail, Augustus!

New month but that's just about all that's new! It's time to recuperate from PALA and the PC Fair. Spent some money for minor upgrades (but the bill wasn't minor!) In lieu of nothing interesting, allow me to provide some public service.

Recently, my dad and I went to the registration office in Desa Mall, Kepong to apply for the new MyKad. Let me tell you, red-tape has definitely been cut short! My dad settled his in 20 minutes (he gets the Warga Emas treatment) but I had to wait for three hours! Still, not bad considering some of my friends had to wait for more than four...

It's not that much hassle to apply. All you need to bring is your old IC. Passport and Driver's License are optional. Bring extra cash if you want to use your MyKad as a Touch & Go or MEPS Cash card. I encourage all of you who haven't applied to do so now. It's free, it's fast, it's convenient.