Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Eid I'm-a-broke

Selamat Hari Raya, everyone! It's been really hectic (why am I always busy when I shouldn't be?). There was the Raya programmes, and the dust hasn't even settled, I'm already working on an Aidil Adha project! I love it when project managers have such... foresight in planning. I mean it in a good way, really.

So how's everyone's raya? Same 'ol, I'll bet. Not too cheery for some. Almost 200 deaths to date, will we ever learn? It saddens me to see these tragedies during the holiday seasons. I only hope to be thankful for everything I have. My family, my friends, my health, my career... can't say the same about money, though. Ha ha! (to my friends with kids, take a hint!)

Good to see everyone's back in the race. KL was getting too quiet.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Kronikal update

The Dr. Kronik sessions are progressing. We are now in pre-production stage. Two songs have been arranged, working on the third one tonight.

MTV, I like

One of my favourite things about my job is the research. I get to spend the whole day watching music videos on LAUNCH and checking out what's new and cool... AND get paid at the end of the day! Before some of you start turning green, this is actually the thing that I have do in order to update my work and keep it competitive. Change is inevitable in my industry... and frequent. I guess that's why it fits my personality. Music, on the other hand, has become a consumer commodity: use and discard, and like baskin robbins, every flavour has its week.

Repertoire research is a necessity when one has clients with specific references in mind. Seems like everyone wants to be like someone else. Is this because we are lacking in originality or simply we've come full circle? I'd like to think it's the latter. The Beatles have written everything there is to write anyway...

Trabye's take: A fellow space cadet friend of mine foresees our kids listening to pink noise and loving it... I think we're not far off ourselves.