Jam with Dr. K?
This SMS greeted me this morning. It's been a while since I last spoken to anyone in Dr. Kronik. Apparently, Chi (the vocalist) says the original lineup is back minus the guitarist (as usual). Since their contract with KRU has expired (good for them!), they are raring to get together to write new material. And an invitation was extended...
It's been three years since I was in a professional band. I played for Dr. Kronik once, toured with Candy for about a year around the mid-Peninsular funfair circuit and of course the brief stint with Metalasia. Will be getting together with the boys this weekend. Let's see what happens.

It's been three years since I was in a professional band. I played for Dr. Kronik once, toured with Candy for about a year around the mid-Peninsular funfair circuit and of course the brief stint with Metalasia. Will be getting together with the boys this weekend. Let's see what happens.
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