Thursday, May 19, 2005

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

EP 3:

boasts its exclusive
version of Star Wars Episode III
for it is the only version in the world
where the first chords of the legendary SW
fanfare is met with laughter: with a 'translation'
like the above, who wouldn't? And what is up with the sound? Kejap kuat, kejap tak kuat: as if the guy in the booth just discovered what the button that says "gain" is for... overall the audience was well-behaved but as usual you can count on 2 idiots who just had to leave their phones on and had no courtesy to actually leave the theater to say "haaa! I am watching Star Wars. Ya!... Ya!...". Idiot.
I personally, enjoyed myself and felt bummed out at the end since there won't be another installation of my beloved SW. Like countless others, I grew up with the outer rim systems, lightsabers and bantha pudu. That was imagination at its finest and now we are left to fend for ourselves.

Remorse of the Sith

Trabye's take: Looks like someone will indeed be living "long and prosper".

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

KAMDAR presents...

Ahmad Dhani dan konco-konconya

All set!

... for the final showdown.

Monday, May 16, 2005

The Wedding Singer Band

Last Saturday, was an event to be remembered. It was the wedding reception for my long-time neighbour, Hussein a.k.a. Bachin with his other half, Nasha. It was also the first time Neon Radius and the watcha-ma-call-it quartet performed live to a human audience (human?).
Lamson Radius and the ...
As we wanted to set ourselves apart from other wedding bands, we opted to play more bluesy pieces by Clapton, Babyface, Sting, Rod Stewart and Billy Joel to name a few. We also did our own rendition of Tudung Periuk in the style of Fourplay, much to the delight of The Neon. We even had several guests coming up to us to express their appreciation for either our performance or the setlist (it worked, dudes!) after the show.

It was a smooth evening (great organizing on Hussein's part), and we adjourned to the nearest TGI Friday's after each being about a couple of hundred bucks richer.
The Neon making a speech at TGIF
Little did The Neon know, Lmsn and I had asked the TGIF people to do the (belated) 'Birthday Sound Off' thing. It was after 11pm so not many patrons were around. As a matter of fact they re-opened the kitchen just to accomodate us (I guessed this is due to the fact that we were dressed like the 3 penguins... which was the name I initially wanted to use for the band). All in all, it was a good night, at least for the one we know as The Neon (I think)...

Trabye's take: Got to meet Mr. Modar, too!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Lepas makan jangan lupa carik kayu!

Note to self (not in order):

1. Finish up on DeHearty's music arrangement
2. Edit and bounce tracks for Mestica's recording
3. Book studio for Mestica's recording
4. Record Mestica
5. Edit and continue with Rast's production
6. Start on Abai Hijjaz's assignments - arrange two songs pronto!
7. Redo backing tracks for Saujana's production next week
8. Ammend lyrics with ITO Lara and finish up vocals on SaffOne's recording

THIS week, Trabye!

Monday, May 02, 2005 least the live performances were good

Hah hah. Lost again! It's all political, you know. Anyway, it wasn't a total bust as you can see....

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Labour (Day) of Love

Among other 'office' work, a facelift for the blog and additional portfolio page for KE's website while watching (mostly listening) to Joe Satriani's Anaheim webcast. Just another excuse to dabble with my new notebook (love it!)...
Trabye's take: Nak tunjuk desktop jugak!