Thursday, August 24, 2006


I don't care... I'm celebrating!

Today was my best round of golf to date. Sad as it may sound, I shot a 91 today (shot a 90 two days back but today's better as you'll see). Since AJ suggested playing at the Guthrie Golf Academy last month, I have not been able to produce a decent shot for the last 6 outings... until today. After 2 months, I finally made my first par. YES, PAR! Two of them, even! (yes, yes, sedih kan?)

The lower score of last Tuesday was nothing compared to what happened today, especially at the dreaded par-3 14th hole. Starting with the Lake 9, I've been hitting left of the target all day long. As I teed off, the ball carried the shorter side of the water and landed at the left of the green. I pitched with a sand wedge, trying to get onto the dancefloor but fell just a bit short. Still outside the green, I pitched again. The ball bounced once and rolled... nearer and nearer to the pin an suddenly, PLONK! My first par was a chip, a pin-seeker and was from outside the putting green. The couple I played through at this hole applauded, even. Bangganya... macam main tourney pulak. :P

Later at the Palm 9, I hit two GIRs on the 3rd and the 5th, the latter being my second par. Earlier this morning, I gave a sheepish excuse to my wife that I wanted to reward myself today with a round of golf for completing yesterday's hectic tasks... I'm glad that I played today... I'm ever more confident with my game now.

Next target, the elusive birdie...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Presenting... BLACK GAMPANG!

Tolonglah... jangan ada sesiapa lagi main macam ni... Bak kata Blacksantau (youtube user), "macam haram jadah..."

Memang macam haram jadah...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Kembali ke bangku sekolah

I love being in a room, absorbing information that I'm interested in. A couple of months back, I caught wind that a gentleman by the name of Douglas Spotted Eagle is coming to town to give a workshop on video production called Power Production. Without second thoughts, I jumped on the chance to be tutored by one of Hollywood's lesser-known but recognized (having won multiple Emmys and Grammys) audio/video/music guy.

Douglas, also known affectionately as 'Spot', has quite an array of achievements under his belt. He's responsible for the music of The Last Samurai and has worked with countless Hollywood powerhouses. Click here to see for yourself.

Power Production Workshop
The 2-day workshop, which was held yesterday and today, was essentially a drive to encourage the usage of High-Definition Video or HDV in our productions. He's a Vegas user (as I am) and his lectures were very engaging and honest. We basically covered all there is to be covered on the essentials of video production like shot composition, chroma-keying, miking, editing, management etc. The course set me back about RM700 but it was all worth it. Next step, Sony and Dolby Certification! (am dreaming of it first...)