Saturday, August 07, 2004


I was going through my comments archive and found this reply I gave to Sobox on one of his visits here. This might be useful to some people. His questions were about the differences between pop & quality songs and the CD price issue.

Fav music is more of personal preference whereas pop is the term the industry uses to describe the songs "played on radio" or radio-friendly tunes. Normally pop songs don't have the 'lasting impression' that I was talking about, hence, this is where 'quality' music comes in.

Quality music, IMHO, can be in any genre as long as it makes a positive impact... when music nurses a broken heart (ash, you reading this?) or lights that bulb in you brain or even 'soothes the wild beast', you know that's QUALITY music.

"Menghitung Hari" is one example, Dianne Warren and David Foster songs, even Metallica (Fade To Black) have made numerous and positive impressions on a lot of people out there. Some Siti Nurhaliza's songs have the same effect as well.
Trabye | 06.24.04 - 3:45 pm |

-- cont' --

To give a lasting impression, a song needs the 'holy trinity of music':
1. a naturally flowing melody
2. lyrics with profound words AND storyline (situational songs are better compared to "Ku cintaimu, ku rinduimu" songs!)
3. a singer who can actually SING!

The last time I heard about the CD price issue was went I 'lepak'ed with Mokhtaza Ahmad, GM of NAR Records. He said that the record labels are not too happy because the new price narrows their margin and forces them to absorb more cost. This is still being resolved by the Ministry and the Industry players to this day. As far as I am concerned, our market is 80% cassette driven so the price of cassettes should be the main issue, not CDs.

Thanks, Sobox for the intelligent questions. Drop by again and feel free to ask more questions, people! Also leave me your thoughts so I can pick on them! Cheers.
Trabye | 06.24.04 - 3:46 pm |


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