A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...
EP 3:
boasts its exclusive
version of Star Wars Episode III
for it is the only version in the world
where the first chords of the legendary SW
fanfare is met with laughter: with a 'translation'
like the above, who wouldn't? And what is up with the sound? Kejap kuat, kejap tak kuat: as if the guy in the booth just discovered what the button that says "gain" is for... overall the audience was well-behaved but as usual you can count on 2 idiots who just had to leave their phones on and had no courtesy to actually leave the theater to say "haaa! I am watching Star Wars. Ya!... Ya!...". Idiot.

I personally, enjoyed myself and felt bummed out at the end since there won't be another installation of my beloved SW. Like countless others, I grew up with the outer rim systems, lightsabers and bantha pudu. That was imagination at its finest and now we are left to fend for ourselves.