Sunday, June 25, 2006

My guitar rig wants to kill your mama

As any aspiring pro guitarist, I too, have got wet dreams about my very own pro guitar rig. Today, I am proud to say that I've realized a life-long dream. Ladies and gents, I present to you, Trabye's very own guitar rig!

The complete rig

My trusty Ibanez JEM555WH is hooked up to a dB Technologies 150R wireless guitar system and routed to a Morley George Lynch Tripler to split the signal into two amps. Channel 1 feeds a Line 6 Pod Pro, which is in turn sequentially routed into a Korean-made Rebel KEQ-31M 31-band mono graphic equalizer and finally through an Alesis 3630 2-channel compressor/limiter. Channel 2 is routed directly to the Line 6 Spider II 150 head, driving the Line 6 Spider II 412 cab.

The rack section

The two amps are controlled by their respective floorboards: Line 6 Floorboard for the Pod Pro and Line 6 FBV Shortboard for the Spider II. On occasion, I would add a Boss GT3 multi-effects processor and/or a Yamaha MBD-1 multi-band distortion pedal in between the wireless and Morley Tripler.

Foot section

Now the only missing links in the setup are an effect processor for the rack section to enable MIDI switching of effects programmes via the floorboard (thus eliminating the need for the GT-3) and a power amp to drive another 412 cabinet, which I am seriously considering. Kiasu? Apa boleh buat... barang cari makan... (ni mesti ada yang akan buat comment yang penuh dengan ke'jaki'an nih).


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